Pile Cap Footing
The term pile cap footing refers to a Steel Top Plate resting on soil that extends to piles and acts as a base for a column to be built on. The load that this column receives is distributed to the piles, thereby providing the structure with a stable pile foundation.
Hybrid Piling
Hybrid piling is a very popular piling construction option that uses the strength of steel piling as well as sustainable and cost-efficient concrete piling, providing the best of both worlds. With a team of experienced hybrid piling contractors in Melbourne, Surefoot knows how to work with different types of soil across the greater Melbourne area and their challenges. We can safely install both steel and concrete pilings into the ground to give the structure the strength and support needed.
Alternative to Bored Pier Footing
Surefoot can install an alternative to bored pier footing in Melbourne. We highly recommend this option due to it offering the high load ratings as a pile foundation option. The use of Surefoot footings produces minimal noise and vibration compared to other piling construction techniques. Our team has the skill and equipment needed to install an alternative to bored piles in locations with rocks, groundwater and poor soil.
Micro Piling
Surefoot is available to carry out micro pile installation in Melbourne, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands for areas where there’s limited access to work area. We use handheld equipment to complete piling work in such areas without compromising the structure being built, ensuring that the structure gets the support it needs.