Surefoot Pile Cap S250 8P

S250 8P

Bolting Pattern:
140mm centres x 4 x 22mm holes
120mm centres x 4 x 18mm holes

Micro Piles:
4 x 32NB (Nominal Bore) 42.40D
Galvanised Pipe Light, Medium,Heavy

Load Capacity:
Up to 100kN

Average installation time:
10 minutes approx

General Info

The S 250 – 8 model is our “universal” pile cap specifically designed to increase capacity and flexibility in domestic and commercial applications. It has a total of 8 sleeves which allows for micro piles to be driven in either a 2, 3 – or 4 – way direction. 4, 6 or 8 micro piles could be specified depending upon the load applied to the footing and soil parameters.

The S 250 – 8 is the economical option to replace bored piers and screw piles located under slab on ground, strip footings and concrete pads.

This model is particularly useful where complexity exists within a building site. It helps negate the issue of underground services, boundaries, steep terrain, and internal corners due to multiple pile direction options.

Light Poles

The S 250 – 8 model is commonly used to support light poles, Air & Traffic monitoring equipment and camera poles etc. it is similar to the S 400 – 12 model which is used for taller poles with a higher bending moment. It replaces bored piers, screw piles, concrete pads and removes the requirement for a reinforcement cage / cast in hold down bolts.

Surefoot footings simplifies and speeds up the construction process with a low environmental impact. Once all piles are driven the footing can be used to take load.

Imagine the cost and time saving in not having to excavate for concrete footings, remove spoil from site, engage specialist mechanical plant and the ability to immediately install the pole on the footing.

Micro piles are driven by handheld equipment allowing for Surefoot to be highly portable and installed by almost any competent person.

Avoid Services

The S 250 – 8 model can be used adjacent to boundaries and underground services. Due to the multiple sleeve option micro piles can be driven in a 2 – or 3 – way orientation avoiding potential clashes. Micro piles are driven parallel to the underground service.

The identification of services for location and depth should be considered at the design stage. This information should be provided to Surefoot at the time of quotation.

The Steel Footing of the Future

With an average installation of 10 minutes, choose the cost effective, market leading steel foundation from Surefoot. Call today on (03) 9354 4950 to discuss your residential and small extension structural needs.