It is a busy time for us here at Surefoot, and we have some more exciting news to share!
In mid 2015, we conducted accredited product testing of our footings in collaboration with Swinburne University of Technology. This involved testing the product in the field to determine its ultimate bearing and pullout capacities.
The test produced a research paper and a conference paper detailing our findings and product recommendations. The Surefoot team were then invited to present the paper at the Fifth International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation 2016 (ISC’5) on the Gold Coast.
We are delighted to announce that this research paper, funded by the Department of State Development, Business & Innovation, has now been published! Our paper, titled “Static load testing of concrete free reticulated micropiles system,” is featured in Volume 2 of the conference proceedings.
The publication contains over 200 peer-reviewed papers presented by geotechnical researchers and practitioners from 50 countries. It also includes eight keynote papers and 16 session report papers prepared by outstanding experts in the field.
Having this research published brings fantastic credibility and exposure to the Surefoot footings system, and we consider this another great achievement for the Surefoot brand.